
ALBA BERLIN has been expanding its involvement in youth basketball for years. In addition to club teams in all age groups, the ALBA youth programme includes an extensive school sports programme and also offers a wide range of sports-related activities on weekends and holidays. The aim of ALBA's youth work is to give the girls and boys of the city of Berlin easy access to sports, to awaken their enthusiasm and joy for sports and to promote their social behaviour through interaction with fellow players, opponents and coaches. The use of qualified and highly motivated coaches is at the centre of our commitment and is particularly supported by the club.
Phorms is a private bilingual school in Berlin that focuses on sports in its everyday school life. With their project "ALBA macht Schule", ALBA BERLIN and Phorms Berlin Mitte want to develop and promote a joint "sports idea" on the Phorms Campus in Ackerstraße.
Cooperations contents are:
- ALBA BERLIN supports and carries out sports lessons
- basketball clubs
- School teams participating in the ALBA Primary and Secondary leagues
- Kita Offers
- ALBA club ball game groups
- School club teams participating in the match operations of the Berlin Basketball Association
- Participation in the "kinder+Sport Basketball Academy
- Visit to a match of the Bundesliga team in the Mercedes-Benz Arena
More information can be found here:
ALBA macht Schule: https://www.albaberlin.de/jugend/sport-bildung/alba-macht-schule/
ALBA primary school league: https://www.albaberlin.de/jugend/sport-bildung/alba-grundschulliga/
ALBA upper school league: https://www.albaberlin.de/jugend/sport-bildung/alba-oberschulliga/
ALBA daycare sports: https://www.albaberlin.de/jugend/sport-bildung/kitasport/