Year 2 take a little 'Me' time!

The New Year is a wonderful time to set new goals and reflect on the last few months. We are so excited to begin 2018 together in Year 2. Here are some of the things we look forward to in the coming month. Just a note that timetables have been altered and your classroom teacher will inform you of any major changes.
English –In English we will learn and review letter sounds and blends. We will continue to use the Jolly Phonics program. Please see the link below for more details about how this program works:
 Along with phonics children will continue to work on spelling. Please check the agenda for spelling words and practice them at home throughout the week. The children will have the opportunity to use what they have learned and apply it to free writes and different types of writing activities this term. As always we encourage children to borrow books from the library for home reading. Writing development tends to follow reading so this is a wonderful way to support your child’s learning in English.