Yoga as a sport in class

A few weeks ago the 10th grade of Phorms Berlin Mitte democratically voted
yoga as the topic for the upcoming sports classes. A professional yoga teacher
soon came to visit our school to introduce us to this very different kind of
sports. We learned that yoga is not only a great way to work out but also that
there are a lot of other reasons why people do or should practice yoga. It can
benefit us in many ways such as the health of our body, mind and spirit. It also
improves your posture and your breathing as well.

In class we learned some essential yoga poses and tried our best at meditation.
As students of the 10th grade we have a lot going on in our minds and
especially during the MSA-phase some of us might be stressing a little then
and then. Meditating was like taking a short break of everything surrounding
us, a time to only focus on ourselves and a pleasant way to end a school day.
Because yoga is not a competitive sports we were able to focus on our own
individual improvement and didn't have to compare ourselves to other
students in class. Exercising flexibility and practicing concentration and
controlled breathing were our main topics in class but learning some
interesting facts about yoga & its evolution was included as well. And yes, it
does take a lot of strength to hold your body in a balanced pose! I figure that
we have all experienced that throughout the weeks. Overall, our class was very
satisfied with the results. A new and definitely enjoyable way of practicing

Flora Frohriep (Phorms Berlin Mitte Gymnasium, 10a)