Differentiated Learning

Our teachers keep a close eye on every single student so that they can offer the best possible support. The additional time we gain from our all-day care is used to work more intensively with the children and in a more target-oriented manner than would usually be the case. Our students learn more effectively in terms of trusting their own skills and abilities and developing respect for the strengths and weaknesses of others.
Diversity Instead Of Frontal Teaching: Differentiation And Team Work
We provide differentiation within the teaching process via methodological diversity. Our students work in teams depending on their own individual learner types. These teams may also extend beyond subject and class boundaries, and this gives an opportunity to make use of a range of different techniques to gain understanding of a topic. The students read, hold presentations, conduct experiments, do written exercises and construct models. This enables them to develop their own topics whilst also discovering their own talents, interests and preferred learning methods.
Making Sure All Students Are Stretched: Individual Support
Support staff regularly work with small groups of students who are achieving learning out-comes either much more quickly or much more slowly than the rest of the class. This technique is particularly used in the primary school. The fact that the support staff are familiar with the children’s strengths and weaknesses means that they are able to vary topics according to learning type and pace of learning and teach the material in an interesting way.
For The Best Possible Teaching: Sensible Class Sizes
Our aim is to provide an optimum standard of care by keeping class size low. At the moment, our class maximum for Primary School is 22 students per class, at Secondary School 24 students per class. The leadership team may adjust this standard due to educational needs. A pool of support staff assist the class teacher in the Primary School.