Bilingualism: The Immersion Method
During the first three years of school, teaching at our primary school predominantly takes place in English. Teachers deliver the lesson content at native speaker level, using the immersion method. This means that teaching staff speak in the foreign language at all times, using pictures, gestures and symbols to support student understanding. This enables children to learn the language naturally and to be able to use it in a variety of contexts. Our primary school students are able to have discussions, hold presentations and calculate in English. In preparation for Year 5, parts of the topic work curriculum are taught in German in Year 4. Subjects such as music, arts, and sports are being taught in the mother tongue of the specialist teacher. Starting in Year 5, analogous to our secondary school, Geography and History are also taught in German.
Additionally, we place great importance on a high-quality teaching of German. Our students first learn to read and write in German. Lessons are very interactive in nature, including plenty of music and movement while at the same time providing time for independent practicing.