School atmosphere

Since October 2020, Max Leidinger, a school social worker, has been working on our campus in both the Primary School and the Secondary School. He supports students with problems in the social and social and emotional issues.

The focus is on sustainably improving the school climate, counteracting (cyber) bullying and promoting openness and acceptance among the students.

The following concrete projects or measures are implemented.

Regular consultation hours:
Twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday), the students of the Secondary School have the opportunity to come to the social worker's office twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) with personal concerns. These are treated confidentially and solutions are sought together.

Team-building measures:
At the request of the teachers, Mr Leidinger regularly visits the classes and carries out games and exercises to strengthen the class climate and the cohesion among the students.

Lockdown reflection:
Since the students have returned to school regularly, talks have been held with the Years 8 and 9 to reflect on the period of home learning and to give the students the opportunity to talk to each other about this extraordinary time.

Student Café on Microsoft Teams:
Mr Leidinger has set up a student café. Topics that are relevant to the lives of many young people are regularly posted there. It is another way for the students to get in touch with the social worker and with each other.

If parents or students of the Phorms Campus Berlin Mitte have questions about Mr. Leidinger's work, or are currently worried about their own future or their child and need advice, please feel free to contact him by email at