Study and career guidance in the upper secondary
1. The career counselling in Years 11 and 12 starts in October of each year with the event "Wege nach dem Abitur" (ways after the Abitur), where the students get to know the contact person responsible for us at the Agentur für Arbeit (German Employment Agency), Mr Busse, personally for the first time and are introduced to the topic of study and career orientation. Here they are given information on how and where they can independently obtain helpful tips and information regarding initial orientation. Mr Busse also shows the students how varied and extensive the range of training and study courses is.
2. Parallel to the dates and events listed here, the students are regularly informed about additional events via the MS Teams Channel at school. A very comprehensive overview can be found, for example, in the newsletter of the Agentur für Arbeit. The offers that we as a school regularly receive by email from private and public universities as well as other providers are also filtered and passed on to the students in this channel.
3. In November, we visit the "Einstieg Berlin - Messe für Ausbildung, Studium & Gap Year" fair together.
4. In December, the Parents' Career Information Day takes place, during which parents provide very personal insights into their professional lives. Year 11 and 12 students can attend three different presentations throughout the day. A doctor, a civil servant, a CEO, an engineer, a chairman of the board and others present their professions in order to visualise the occupational fields and the corresponding professional life for the young people. This step of visualisation is important to develop or reinforce career goals and thus make them seem realisable to the students. Through the authentic, unembellished insight - also into the career path here and there - the goals and associated challenges are perceived as manageable and surmountable.
5. The paths that the students might take in terms of training and/or studies are discussed in individual counselling sessions. These take place at the beginning of January and participants can bring their own topics and questions.
Prior to these discussions, the Check-U test is carried out together, which is evaluated by Mr Busse.
The Check-U Test can be seen as a preliminary stage to the field of study-related counselling test and covers the following topics:
- Skills,
- social skills,
- professional preferences and
- interests.
In cooperation with the Agentur für Arbeit, represented by Mr Busse, we offer Year 12 students the opportunity to take part in the Field of Study Guidance Test (SFBT). In this test, a test procedure is used to determine how suitable the candidate is for a particular field of study. The test is evaluated by a psychologist together with the learner and the result can be a great help in deciding which degree programme to choose.
The fields of study to be chosen beforehand are:
- natural sciences,
- engineering sciences,
- computer science / mathematics,
- economics,
- philological studies and
- law.
7. Shortly before the students leave school, so-called perspective talks take place at our school for the first time. Mr Loges will check with the students whether they have an approximate or even a very concrete plan for their future and, if necessary, make recommendations for further steps. If necessary, the employment agency will sit down with the students again so that no student leaves Phorms without a perspective or support offered.
In addition, Mr Busse offers an open consultation hour for students and / or parents at our school twice a semester.