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Deutsche Krebshilfe

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We would like to share with you the message we received from German Cancer Aid in response to our donation:


Dear students,


Around 2,200 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Germany - a fact that is deeply moving. And even though four out of five children with cancer are now cured thanks to the enormous progress made in paediatric cancer medicine, there are still many young patients who cannot yet be treated successfully. It will therefore continue to be important for us to work to combat childhood cancer - for example by promoting research in paediatric oncology.


We also have you and your commitment to Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe to thank for enabling us to fulfil this task. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donations totalling 159 euros!


With the help of your donations, we are supporting, for example, the construction of family homes in the immediate vicinity of the children's cancer clinics. After all, the proximity of sick children and young people to their parents and siblings is invaluable for the success of their treatment. These multifunctional houses offer families a friendly temporary home and an important retreat from the stresses of everyday hospital life.


With your commitment, you show humanity and solidarity! We are grateful that you are facing the future tasks and challenges in the fight against paediatric cancer together with us and thus giving hope to children with cancer and their families.


With our thanks again, best wishes and best regards